Christian Gschier
geb. 1968 in Graz
Kulturmanager und spartenübergreifender Künstler
Executive Master in Arts Administration
Magister artium
Konzeption, Produktion, Inszenierung, Ausstattung, Organisation von Kunst-, speziell Film- und Theaterprojekten, Performances, Raumkompositionen und Visualisierungen. Kulturmanagement.
Raum- und Bühnengestaltung (Szenografie), Installation, Komposition, Fotografie, Malerei und Grafik.
Forschung nach innovativen und sinnstiftenden Formen der Kunst, insbesondere der Ästhetik künstlerischer Existenz hinsichtlich vermittelbarer Entwicklungs- und Vernetzungssysteme. Gesamtkunst.
Aufspüren von künstlerischem Potential, Entwicklung und Umsetzung von relevanten Projekten im Kontext der Netzwerkressourcen. Künstlerische Leitung von Kunst- und Kulturinstitutionen sowie Festivals. Arts Administration.
Publikation und Vermittlung von Kunstprodukten. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum. Art Consulting.
2006-2011 Masterstudium EMAA (Executive Master in Arts Administration), Universität Zürich
1998-2001 Studium Theaterwissenschaften, Universität Wien
1994-1998 Diplomstudium Bühnen- und Kostümgestaltung, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (Mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg)
06/1997: Ensemblepreis mit Bühnenbild „Ein Sommernachtstraum“, Schauspiel Akademie Zürich
09/1997: Ring Award Finalist „1. Internationaler Wettbewerb für Regie und Bühnenbild“ (Wagner Forum und Bühnen Graz)
seit 2009 Senior Artist & Lektor, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (KUG)
1999-2009 Universitätsassistent & Lektor, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (KUG)
seit 1999 Konzeption, Management & Consulting , Ring Award - Internationaler Wettbewerb für Regie und Bühnengestaltung
2000-2006 Projektleitung , cultureconnect – ASEA-Uninet in Kooperation mit KUG und Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok sowie Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai/Thailand
seit 1998 Ring Award Komitee, Mitglied
seit 1995 Kunstverein entrancexit, Obmann
Werke und Publikationen (Auswahl)
2014 Anton Fötsch – Acrylgemälde der letzten Schaffensdekade 1997-2007 (Katalog)
(concept, production)
2013 - 2014 masterworks of understatement (Virtuelle Ausstellung)
(concept, graphics, production)
2013 Some Worlds Transformed (Animation-clip & Präsentation 50 Jahre KUG Festival), MUMUTH, Graz
(co-concept, sequentials)
2012 cocaitte in concert (Performance & Musikfilm), Postgarage, Graz
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, performance, co-production, co-performing, sequentials)
2012 Pantherion (O.S.T.) (Download-Album)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, co-production)
2011 Alice Schalek und die letzten Tage der Menschheit (Szenische Rauminstallation, Musiktheater), MUMUTH, Graz
(co-project management, documentation, co-production)
seit 2010 vinyl-o-rama (Salonabende), club combinesch, Graz
(concept, soundings, production, scenography, production)
2010 Anton Ramisch – Kinoreklame in Graz 1910 – 1938 (Katalog, Pre-edition)
(concept, production)
2010-2011 Pantherion (Film, Soundtrack & Score)
(co-scenography & supervision, co-lyrics, soundings, sequentials, interdisciplinary arts)
2009 rameau après ski (Performance & Musikfilm), club combinesch, Graz
(concept, production, performance, co-lyrics, soundings, scenography, costumes, sequentials)
seit 2008 styria as it isn´t (Grafikserie & Virtuelle Ausstellung)
(concept, graphics, exhibition, production)
2008 Inselgeschichten (Szenische Rauminstallation), bookolino & Literaturhaus, Graz
(concept, scenography, co-production)
2007 frosterweichen (Interdisciplinary Arts Festival), club combinesch, Graz
(co-concept, exhibition, co-scenography, graphics, co-production)
2007 ménage à trois (Ausstellung), Galerie Staudinger, Graz
(co-exhibition, graphics)
2007 excited (rameau Videoclip)
(concept, soundings, directing, production, co-performing, scenography, sequentials)
2007 savoy (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2006 rigoletto (Ring Award Imageclip)
(concept, directing, co-scenography, co-production, sequentials)
2006 cars/relatives (Ausstellung)
(concept, graphics, exhibition, scenography, production)
2006 solifest (Interdisciplinary Arts Festival), club combinesch, Graz
(co-concept, exhibition, scenography, graphics, co-production)
2006 club combinesch (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space), Graz
(concept, co-production, scenography, co-project management)
2005-2008 salon rameau (Salonabende & Performances), club combinesch, Graz
(concept, soundings, graphics, lyrics, production, performance, scenography, performing)
2005 sansoleil (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
2005 le nozze di figaro (Ring Award Imageclip)
(concept, directing, scenography, co-production, sequentials)
2005 tomorrow´s tension (rameau Videoclip)
(concept, directing, soundings, co-production, performing, sequentials)
2005 MUMUTH - Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit (Film & Präsentation), ORF-Zentrum Steiermark, Graz
(concept, directing, co-project management, sequentials, scenography, soundings, co-production)
2005 raumkomposition (= einblick in die ästhetik der existenz //nr.5) (Katalog, pre-edition)
(concept, lyrics, graphics, production)
2004 niveau! (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2003 artxplorer (Interdisciplinary Arts Production & Collection Space)
(concept, production)
2003 humanic (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, soundings, production)
2003 twylife (The Wandering Library – Soundtrack), 50. Biennale Venezia
(soundings, production)
2003 clarity (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2002 Literaturfest, Schloss Retzhof, Leibnitz
(co-concept, scenography)
2002 projekt M. (Szenische Rauminstallation & Schauspiel), T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(co-concept, co-project management, co-production)
2002 le lavandou (rameau CD-mini-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
2002 la jeunesse – près de moi (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2002 Liebe Jelena (Schauspiel), Next Liberty, Graz
(scenography, costumes)
seit 2001 rameau (Kunstfigur)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, scenography, costumes, production)
2001 bungalow (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, co-production)
2000 intern et extern – Theater (Multimedia Theaterprojekt)
(concept, theatre, multimedia networking, production)
2000 Räumt´s die Leichen weg, Schlamperei! (Szenische Rauminstallation & Schauspiel), Schauplatz Graz
(co-concept, scenography, installations, co-production)
1999 100% der Menschen sterben (Szenische Rauminstallation & Schauspiel), Wilder Mann, Graz
(co-concept, co-project management, co-production)
1999 entrancexit (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space)
(co-concept, multimedia networking, interdisciplinary arts, co-production)
1999 virtuelles kunsthaus (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space)
(co-concept, multimedia networking, interdisciplinary arts, co-production)
1999 sankt europa (Literatur, Pre-edition)
(lyrics, production)
1998 Trashrausch (Filmfestival), Filmrauschpalast, Berlin
(concept, co-project management, co-production)
1998 alles asien (Film)
(concept, co-lyrics, sequentials, co-performing, co-production)
1998 der freischuetz (Oper, Interaktive CD-ROM & Präsentation), Wilder Mann, Graz
(concept, scenography, costumes, graphics, co-production, presentation)
1998 orgy of the frozen (Musikfilm), T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(concept, scenography, sequentials, co-performing, co-production)
1997 Das Rheingold (Oper, Ring Award), Next Liberty, Graz
(opera, co-concept, scenography)
1997 Rose, Regen, Schwert und Wunde - Ein Sommernachtstraum (Schauspiel), T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(theatre, scenography)
1997 das findensuchen (Literatur, pre-edition)
(lyrics, production)
1996 Mahlzeit (Schauspiel UA), Theater im Bahnhof, Graz
(theatre, scenography, costumes)
1996 visual disco (Performancereihe), Club Neufeld, Graz
(concept, soundings, performances, scenography, project management, production)
1996 concrete ocean (Installation), Bad Eggenberg, Graz
(concept, installation, graphics, production, project management)
1996 motox (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-soundings, production)
1996 performance i! (Performance) , T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(co-concept, co-production, performance, co-scenography, co-soundings)
1995 oel (Musikfilm)
(sequentials, co-soundings, co-scenography)
1995 strange happening (Performance), Club Café International, Wien
(concept, directing, soundings, performance, scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1994-1995 alzheimer (Performance- und Filmreihe & CD-Album, pre-release), Rösselmühle, Graz
(concept, co-soundings, co-lyrics, performances, co-scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1994 paneuropean energy (Performance), Amthof, Feldkirchen
(soundings, performance, co-performing)
1993 Bivouac (Performance mit Générik Vapeur), Steirischer Herbst
(project management, performance, sequentials)
1993 get it out! (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, performance, directing, production)
1993 blue mirror (Ausstellungsperformance & Installation), FOND
(soundings, performance, scenography, performing, production)
1992 moondust (Performance mit S.R.L. - Survival Research Laboratories), Arland-Hallen, Steirischer Herbst
(soundings, performance, co-performing, co-directing)
1992 wildnis/we were so in love with each other (Musikfilm)
(concept, co-soundings, sequentials, production)
1992 spike (CD-Album, pre-release & Performance), FOND
(concept, lyrics, soundings, performance, scenography, performing, production)
1992 glue (Kurzfilm), FOND
(concept, directing, co-lyrics, sequentials, scenography, production)
1991 public living (Performance), FOND
(concept, performance, scenography, performing, production)
1991 morphine 1 (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
1991 cyclove/moonlike (CD-Album, pre-release & Performance), FOND
(co-soundings, lyrics, performance, directing, scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1991 FOND (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space), Mühlgasse 11-15, Graz
(co-concept, co-project management, interdisciplinary arts, co-production)
1990 Café Paradox (Ausstellungsraum), MUWA (Museum der Wahrnehmung) & Steirischer Herbst
(co-project management)
1990 cloudy skies (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, co-soundings, performance, production)
1990 flowermorphia (Tape-Album, pre-release & Performance)
(co-concept, lyrics, co-soundings, performance, scenography, co-performing, production)
1990 Aus dem Morgengrauen (Literatur, pre-edition)
(lyrics, production)
1989 values (Fotoserie & Ausstellung), Szenario, Graz
(concept, graphics, production, exhibition)
1989 where love grows (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, co-soundings, production)
1989 forgotten heroes (Performance), Szenario, Graz
(concept, co-lyrics, performance, scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1989 emma (Performance), Waldbühne, Graz
(theatre, lyrics, performance, production, project management, co-performing, scenography)
1988 The Killing Moon (Shin Takamatsu – Ausstellung), Haus der Architektur, Graz
(co-project management)
1988 Tulpen (Musikfestival), Kasematten, Graz
(concept, co-lyrics, co-soundings, performance, production, project management, co-performing, scenography)
1988 while doubt is sleeping (Performance), Clubcafé Pi, Graz
(concept, performance, soundings, co-performing)
1987 Wonderful Emergency (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
1987 Phantasmagoria (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
1986-87 Take Off! (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space & Tape-Album, pre-release), Graz
(concept, lyrics, soundings, project management, interdisciplinary arts, co-performing, production)
Kulturmanager und spartenübergreifender Künstler
Executive Master in Arts Administration
Magister artium
Konzeption, Produktion, Inszenierung, Ausstattung, Organisation von Kunst-, speziell Film- und Theaterprojekten, Performances, Raumkompositionen und Visualisierungen. Kulturmanagement.
Raum- und Bühnengestaltung (Szenografie), Installation, Komposition, Fotografie, Malerei und Grafik.
Forschung nach innovativen und sinnstiftenden Formen der Kunst, insbesondere der Ästhetik künstlerischer Existenz hinsichtlich vermittelbarer Entwicklungs- und Vernetzungssysteme. Gesamtkunst.
Aufspüren von künstlerischem Potential, Entwicklung und Umsetzung von relevanten Projekten im Kontext der Netzwerkressourcen. Künstlerische Leitung von Kunst- und Kulturinstitutionen sowie Festivals. Arts Administration.
Publikation und Vermittlung von Kunstprodukten. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum. Art Consulting.
2006-2011 Masterstudium EMAA (Executive Master in Arts Administration), Universität Zürich
1998-2001 Studium Theaterwissenschaften, Universität Wien
1994-1998 Diplomstudium Bühnen- und Kostümgestaltung, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (Mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg)
06/1997: Ensemblepreis mit Bühnenbild „Ein Sommernachtstraum“, Schauspiel Akademie Zürich
09/1997: Ring Award Finalist „1. Internationaler Wettbewerb für Regie und Bühnenbild“ (Wagner Forum und Bühnen Graz)
seit 2009 Senior Artist & Lektor, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (KUG)
1999-2009 Universitätsassistent & Lektor, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (KUG)
seit 1999 Konzeption, Management & Consulting , Ring Award - Internationaler Wettbewerb für Regie und Bühnengestaltung
2000-2006 Projektleitung , cultureconnect – ASEA-Uninet in Kooperation mit KUG und Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok sowie Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai/Thailand
seit 1998 Ring Award Komitee, Mitglied
seit 1995 Kunstverein entrancexit, Obmann
Werke und Publikationen (Auswahl)
2014 Anton Fötsch – Acrylgemälde der letzten Schaffensdekade 1997-2007 (Katalog)
(concept, production)
2013 - 2014 masterworks of understatement (Virtuelle Ausstellung)
(concept, graphics, production)
2013 Some Worlds Transformed (Animation-clip & Präsentation 50 Jahre KUG Festival), MUMUTH, Graz
(co-concept, sequentials)
2012 cocaitte in concert (Performance & Musikfilm), Postgarage, Graz
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, performance, co-production, co-performing, sequentials)
2012 Pantherion (O.S.T.) (Download-Album)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, co-production)
2011 Alice Schalek und die letzten Tage der Menschheit (Szenische Rauminstallation, Musiktheater), MUMUTH, Graz
(co-project management, documentation, co-production)
seit 2010 vinyl-o-rama (Salonabende), club combinesch, Graz
(concept, soundings, production, scenography, production)
2010 Anton Ramisch – Kinoreklame in Graz 1910 – 1938 (Katalog, Pre-edition)
(concept, production)
2010-2011 Pantherion (Film, Soundtrack & Score)
(co-scenography & supervision, co-lyrics, soundings, sequentials, interdisciplinary arts)
2009 rameau après ski (Performance & Musikfilm), club combinesch, Graz
(concept, production, performance, co-lyrics, soundings, scenography, costumes, sequentials)
seit 2008 styria as it isn´t (Grafikserie & Virtuelle Ausstellung)
(concept, graphics, exhibition, production)
2008 Inselgeschichten (Szenische Rauminstallation), bookolino & Literaturhaus, Graz
(concept, scenography, co-production)
2007 frosterweichen (Interdisciplinary Arts Festival), club combinesch, Graz
(co-concept, exhibition, co-scenography, graphics, co-production)
2007 ménage à trois (Ausstellung), Galerie Staudinger, Graz
(co-exhibition, graphics)
2007 excited (rameau Videoclip)
(concept, soundings, directing, production, co-performing, scenography, sequentials)
2007 savoy (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2006 rigoletto (Ring Award Imageclip)
(concept, directing, co-scenography, co-production, sequentials)
2006 cars/relatives (Ausstellung)
(concept, graphics, exhibition, scenography, production)
2006 solifest (Interdisciplinary Arts Festival), club combinesch, Graz
(co-concept, exhibition, scenography, graphics, co-production)
2006 club combinesch (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space), Graz
(concept, co-production, scenography, co-project management)
2005-2008 salon rameau (Salonabende & Performances), club combinesch, Graz
(concept, soundings, graphics, lyrics, production, performance, scenography, performing)
2005 sansoleil (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
2005 le nozze di figaro (Ring Award Imageclip)
(concept, directing, scenography, co-production, sequentials)
2005 tomorrow´s tension (rameau Videoclip)
(concept, directing, soundings, co-production, performing, sequentials)
2005 MUMUTH - Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit (Film & Präsentation), ORF-Zentrum Steiermark, Graz
(concept, directing, co-project management, sequentials, scenography, soundings, co-production)
2005 raumkomposition (= einblick in die ästhetik der existenz //nr.5) (Katalog, pre-edition)
(concept, lyrics, graphics, production)
2004 niveau! (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2003 artxplorer (Interdisciplinary Arts Production & Collection Space)
(concept, production)
2003 humanic (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, soundings, production)
2003 twylife (The Wandering Library – Soundtrack), 50. Biennale Venezia
(soundings, production)
2003 clarity (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2002 Literaturfest, Schloss Retzhof, Leibnitz
(co-concept, scenography)
2002 projekt M. (Szenische Rauminstallation & Schauspiel), T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(co-concept, co-project management, co-production)
2002 le lavandou (rameau CD-mini-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
2002 la jeunesse – près de moi (rameau CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-lyrics, soundings, production)
2002 Liebe Jelena (Schauspiel), Next Liberty, Graz
(scenography, costumes)
seit 2001 rameau (Kunstfigur)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, scenography, costumes, production)
2001 bungalow (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, co-production)
2000 intern et extern – Theater (Multimedia Theaterprojekt)
(concept, theatre, multimedia networking, production)
2000 Räumt´s die Leichen weg, Schlamperei! (Szenische Rauminstallation & Schauspiel), Schauplatz Graz
(co-concept, scenography, installations, co-production)
1999 100% der Menschen sterben (Szenische Rauminstallation & Schauspiel), Wilder Mann, Graz
(co-concept, co-project management, co-production)
1999 entrancexit (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space)
(co-concept, multimedia networking, interdisciplinary arts, co-production)
1999 virtuelles kunsthaus (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space)
(co-concept, multimedia networking, interdisciplinary arts, co-production)
1999 sankt europa (Literatur, Pre-edition)
(lyrics, production)
1998 Trashrausch (Filmfestival), Filmrauschpalast, Berlin
(concept, co-project management, co-production)
1998 alles asien (Film)
(concept, co-lyrics, sequentials, co-performing, co-production)
1998 der freischuetz (Oper, Interaktive CD-ROM & Präsentation), Wilder Mann, Graz
(concept, scenography, costumes, graphics, co-production, presentation)
1998 orgy of the frozen (Musikfilm), T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(concept, scenography, sequentials, co-performing, co-production)
1997 Das Rheingold (Oper, Ring Award), Next Liberty, Graz
(opera, co-concept, scenography)
1997 Rose, Regen, Schwert und Wunde - Ein Sommernachtstraum (Schauspiel), T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(theatre, scenography)
1997 das findensuchen (Literatur, pre-edition)
(lyrics, production)
1996 Mahlzeit (Schauspiel UA), Theater im Bahnhof, Graz
(theatre, scenography, costumes)
1996 visual disco (Performancereihe), Club Neufeld, Graz
(concept, soundings, performances, scenography, project management, production)
1996 concrete ocean (Installation), Bad Eggenberg, Graz
(concept, installation, graphics, production, project management)
1996 motox (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, co-soundings, production)
1996 performance i! (Performance) , T.i.P. (Theater im Palais), Graz
(co-concept, co-production, performance, co-scenography, co-soundings)
1995 oel (Musikfilm)
(sequentials, co-soundings, co-scenography)
1995 strange happening (Performance), Club Café International, Wien
(concept, directing, soundings, performance, scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1994-1995 alzheimer (Performance- und Filmreihe & CD-Album, pre-release), Rösselmühle, Graz
(concept, co-soundings, co-lyrics, performances, co-scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1994 paneuropean energy (Performance), Amthof, Feldkirchen
(soundings, performance, co-performing)
1993 Bivouac (Performance mit Générik Vapeur), Steirischer Herbst
(project management, performance, sequentials)
1993 get it out! (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, performance, directing, production)
1993 blue mirror (Ausstellungsperformance & Installation), FOND
(soundings, performance, scenography, performing, production)
1992 moondust (Performance mit S.R.L. - Survival Research Laboratories), Arland-Hallen, Steirischer Herbst
(soundings, performance, co-performing, co-directing)
1992 wildnis/we were so in love with each other (Musikfilm)
(concept, co-soundings, sequentials, production)
1992 spike (CD-Album, pre-release & Performance), FOND
(concept, lyrics, soundings, performance, scenography, performing, production)
1992 glue (Kurzfilm), FOND
(concept, directing, co-lyrics, sequentials, scenography, production)
1991 public living (Performance), FOND
(concept, performance, scenography, performing, production)
1991 morphine 1 (CD-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
1991 cyclove/moonlike (CD-Album, pre-release & Performance), FOND
(co-soundings, lyrics, performance, directing, scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1991 FOND (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space), Mühlgasse 11-15, Graz
(co-concept, co-project management, interdisciplinary arts, co-production)
1990 Café Paradox (Ausstellungsraum), MUWA (Museum der Wahrnehmung) & Steirischer Herbst
(co-project management)
1990 cloudy skies (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, co-soundings, performance, production)
1990 flowermorphia (Tape-Album, pre-release & Performance)
(co-concept, lyrics, co-soundings, performance, scenography, co-performing, production)
1990 Aus dem Morgengrauen (Literatur, pre-edition)
(lyrics, production)
1989 values (Fotoserie & Ausstellung), Szenario, Graz
(concept, graphics, production, exhibition)
1989 where love grows (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, co-soundings, production)
1989 forgotten heroes (Performance), Szenario, Graz
(concept, co-lyrics, performance, scenography, co-performing, co-production)
1989 emma (Performance), Waldbühne, Graz
(theatre, lyrics, performance, production, project management, co-performing, scenography)
1988 The Killing Moon (Shin Takamatsu – Ausstellung), Haus der Architektur, Graz
(co-project management)
1988 Tulpen (Musikfestival), Kasematten, Graz
(concept, co-lyrics, co-soundings, performance, production, project management, co-performing, scenography)
1988 while doubt is sleeping (Performance), Clubcafé Pi, Graz
(concept, performance, soundings, co-performing)
1987 Wonderful Emergency (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
1987 Phantasmagoria (Tape-Album, pre-release)
(concept, lyrics, soundings, production)
1986-87 Take Off! (Interdisciplinary Arts Production Space & Tape-Album, pre-release), Graz
(concept, lyrics, soundings, project management, interdisciplinary arts, co-performing, production)