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Karina Roosvita Indirasari - The Fitting Room

Artists: Consuelo Mendez (VE/AT), Daniele Formica (IT/NL), HelleKnöbl (HelgaGlattfelder-Knöbl, AT), Karina Roosvita Indirasari (ID)
Curator: Eva Ursprung (AT)

The Fitting Room is a project presentation that investigated the Dirndl, a traditional women’s clothing from Austria (and the Bavarian region) as a political site where women navigated the complicated cultural and political power of the clothing. Artists were invited to share stories, listen to the history of each traditional cloth, and practice ethical reflexivity by deconstructing and reassembling the Dirndl.
This process highlighted the role of clothing as political contestation and identity expression within a broader socio-historical context. (Karina R. Indirasari)
Eröffnung 13. September 2024, 18:30 Uhr
14. - 18. September 2024, 13:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Weitere Informationen
17:30 Uhr Parade. Treffpunkt vor dem Volkshaus
18:30 Uhr Projektpräsentation und Eröffnung der Ausstellung

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Veranstaltung von Eva Ursprung und Kig KulturinGraz

(c) Foto: Eva Ursprung 2024